Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The interview

1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.
1.Hellow thanks for the opertunity to interview you.whats your name?
2.How are you?
3.What do you think about the enforcement of uniforms?
4.Are you happy about this?
5.If not,Why or why not?
6.Do you think it will be fordable?
7.Do you think it will help you financially?
8.Do you think it will help the students socially?
9.So you think students will look at each other the same and not judge in uniform?
10.Are you open to the though of uniform.Or is a flat out no for you?
11.Are you existed for the uniform if its passes?
12.How would you fee looking almost the same as everyone else?
13.Would it be a drag looking almost the same as everyone?
14.Do you think you would add your own style to your uniform?
15.Would you ever rebel against the uniform policy?
16.Do you think anyone else in the school would?
17.Do you think teachers should have the same dress code reinforcements?
18.Whys if so? Why if not?
19.Why do you think there havening the students go by new dress code?
20.Do you think its a healthy idea for this?

Student Of The Month!!

-Hello (with a smile) Whats your name?
-How are you doing today?
How do you feel about yourslef being student of the month.
-Were you expecting this?
-Do you think you deserve somthing like this?
-If noot why so?
-If 'Yes' Why?
-Are you happy for yourself?
-Was this expected?
-were you exsited whn you found out?
-Do you think somone esle deservs this?
-Are your parents proud of you?
-Have you gottin any smils or high fives? haha
-Have your teachers givin you any special privlages sence then?
-Do you think you deserv more?
-Do you rcare about this award?
-Are you proud of yourself?
-Are you feeling overwhelmed cause of this?
-If so why?
-Do you have any siblings who might be jelious? haha
-Are you tierd of atention?
-Has the princable congradulated you?

1. Please come up with 20 questions you could ask them and post them on your blog in a separate post called Student of the Month Interview.

-Hi how are you?
-How do you feel about yourself being student of the month?
-Were you expecting this? are you existed?
-do you think you deserve something like this?
-If not,Why so?
-Are you happy for yourself?
-Was this expected?
-Were you existed when you found out?
-Do you think someone else deserved it?
-Are your parents proud of you?
-Have you been getting smiles or high fives all day? haha
-Have teachers giving you any special privileges since then?
-Do you think you deserve more?
-Do you care about this award?
-Are you proud of yourself?
-Are you feeling overwhelmed cause of this?
-If so why?
-Do you have any siblings who are in school with you that might be jealous? haha
-Are you tiered of the attention?
Has the princable congratulated you?

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