basically no.The whole picture overall is focused in.
a.) Describe what is in focus and what is not.
basically no.The whole picture overall was one focus as i used the rule of thirds.
b.) If not in focus, state the cause.
Because i just try ed to focus the picture overall.Not on just the subject cause i was some what far away.
2.) Is there good contrast? (Look for the blacks and whites in the photo)?
The light and dark ares came out very well. It was indoors,with just a hint of sunlight.So as i took the picture Facing the little sun that was there came out nice,since i was facing it.
a.) If no, state the probable cause?
3.) Are all the rules followed? (Is the photo candid? Does the subject fill the frame? Does the photo contain action? Does it follow composition rules?)
I defiantly used the rule of thirds.As the boy was studying in the library,I but him in one center of the rule of thirds lines.There was'ent that much action but reading going on.the main subject did not fill the frame but by seeing him reading and the background of books helped fill in the the frame,Or picture.
a.) If yes, explain what techniques were used and how you followed them in your photo.
No my photo is not candid.If it was my main subject of the boy would fill up the picture.But instead there is a whole library in the background.
b.) If no, how will you correct this next time?
By getting up close.
4.) Is there yellowing or are there spots on the print?
]Not that i can see.
a.) If yes, what caused it/them?
5.) Are there print rings or spots?
Yes i have two rings.
a.) If yes, state the probable cause.
I absolutely have no idea why.
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