Today you must do the following things:
1.) Pick which story your going to write from the list specific to your class.
2.) Write 20 questions that go with that story.
.Do you think on and off relationships are worth it?
.What do you think about PDA. (Public display of affection)
.Do you think sex-ting cheating.
.Do you think long distance relationship work out?
.Have you ever been cheated on?
.Do you believe in second chases?
.Do you believe in love at fist site?
.Do you want to get married?
.Do you think if a couple has a kid,and inst married.They should be obligated to get married?
.Why is that?
.What do you feel a about same sex relationships.
.Why is that?
.Are abuse in relationships it?
.Are fights in relationships worth it?
.Have you been in love?
.How many times?
.Do you think sex make a relationship last?
.What kind of little things do you applicate in relationships.
.So do you think love is forever?
.Why do you think that?
3.) Decide on at least three people your going to interview.
4.) Think about the focus you want your story to take. Is it going to be an opinion piece about what you think about your topic, or is it going to be a straight news story about the topic.
7th period:
Relationshis - be specific about what your topic is
Party life
Drugs and the Mexican Cartel
Arizona Immigration law